Your cards show me someone has not liked being 'called out' and is probably quite angry right now...
I've drawn 6 cards here, Spirit are showing me firstly that someone may not liked being 'called out' and how you've had to say a few home truths, and it seems as though there is someone who is incredibly angry and agitated right now?!
The thing is, you are someone who gives people more chances than they deserve and also likes to get along with people, the worst thing for you is arguing or falling out with anyone, it makes you feel uncomfortable, you over think and it's just not 'you'.
Spirit are also talking about someone who seems to threaten you and then nothing comes of it. For example, perhaps they told you they was going to leave you or maybe even if you left them then they would do this or that, make sense?
I see someone with darker hair more so, someone who is a bit defensive, a little bit cocky and seems to have an attitude about them at times. I can see this guy is someone who has some bad intentions, perhaps it's financial, so be aware you need to protect yourself and not be too giving. You need to think of yourself too!
Be careful of decisions around finance / home, as someone may be trying to influence you to make a decision for their benefit, not yours.
This person is influenced by the wrong people and they will very soon realise this, but you may have been feeling a bit helpless. I see an initial J & L with or around them, and I do see someone who is also being reckless and doing 'stupid' things, they have karma to face, but you shouldn't feel like you have to be there to pick up the pieces. If they've done bad to someone then unfortunately karma is a b**** when it comes around.
You aren't responsible for them, they are responsible for themselves. You shouldn't be made to feel guilty and you are BETTER than this.
If you want to know more than I have a 40% discount on 6 Card Readings with a FREE Month Ahead Reading but I only have 5 spaces available for this week.
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Speak to you soon
Chris x