Is this your Soulmate?!


 Hey, how are you?
I hear my Spirit guides trying to reach out, I have drawn the High Priestess tarot card for you.
This shows me that you are very Intuitive. There is someone who was instantly attracted to you, but hmm.. this person tried to play it cool and act like they weren't interested.
I see they may have had a bit of a childish nature, I do feel they are reluctant to discussing their feelings, they held back and pulled away. 

It feels like this may have been the right person but just at the wrong time? Something makes me feel that this person was depressed as well, influenced by things that were not good for them and I feel they were very defensive. 
I do see passion in your love life, I see someone who regrets the way they behaved.
I feel like there is someone that you should not completely cut off, even down to the things you shared, there were so many synchronicities which makes me think this is a soul mate connection...
Want to know more? There is already 50% off Me & You Love Readings but you can have an additional £10 off, saving you over 66%.
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If there is someone you would like me to focus on for you, whether that be an ex, current partner or perhaps you have someone on your mind and want to know their intentions?! I can help you & look into this for you. 

If you want to know more click here >>> your love reading

(make sure you include a name & relationship ie. partner, dating, ex etc... if there is someone in particular you'd like to focus on or are wondering about!)

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